help my form pleaseeeee

This is a forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to intermediate level pole vaulting.
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help my form pleaseeeee

Postby yung_vaulter » Fri May 10, 2013 6:44 pm

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Re: help my form pleaseeeee

Postby bigg24-7 » Sun May 12, 2013 1:31 am

On this jump it looks like you took off under. Your plant over all is terrible, but the good new is that you have the muscle and BALLS to take this jump up and try and save your vault. That's a good mentality to have because some guys couldn't even take that off the runway, and as you get better, being able to muscle out a vault when something goes wrong is a handy ability (late meet third attempts at PRs!). I think most of your problem lies in your Plant and Take Off. Do some walking plant drills against a wall or sliding box. Focus on driving your arms up, you might even try narrowing your grip. Your top arm should be straight and right over or behind your ear. Your bottom arm should also be straight and form a nice triangle with your top arm and the pole. Your top end needs some work to, but I'm not sure how much of that is due to the bad plant or your actual technique. Everything in the pole vault builds on the quality of the thing before it. A bad run leads to a bad plant, a bad plant leads to a bad swing and so on. But your top end was good enough that you should have cleared that bar, you just had an issue with standards. If you stick with it youll be clearing high bars in no time, and I think your technique can be easily fixed.

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Re: help my form pleaseeeee

Postby yung_vaulter » Sun May 12, 2013 11:34 am

Thank you and any tips on getting to vertical

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Re: help my form pleaseeeee

Postby bigg24-7 » Mon May 13, 2013 12:30 am

Im not the greatest at the top end either but the first thing I noticed is that you throw your head back as soon as plant. You should keep your head in a neutral position for the majority of the vault, you have the idea though that you don't need to be looking down or at the bar. Next, your bottom arm breaks and pulls at the pole. This is really because of your bad plant position though and a good plant will help you out there (notice a pattern here yet LOL). You initially have a good swing position, just hold it for a fraction of a second longer (also a result of bad plant). You need a better Knee drive too. Great stinking rock back though! Not many 12'6" vaulters have that rock back. You just need to extend and close off the space between the pole and your hips, turn and push off the pole and youre over that bar by a mile.
I know this is like a Laundry list of problems and sounds really bad, but it's not that bad at all. Plus you have the potential to be really good man.

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Re: help my form pleaseeeee

Postby yung_vaulter » Wed May 15, 2013 2:39 pm

Thanks nd I throw my head back because I have a problem of looking at the bar and shooting out.

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Re: help my form pleaseeeee

Postby bigg24-7 » Thu May 16, 2013 6:25 pm

What I try to do is look at my bottom hand and watch it rise as I go through the first phases of my vaults (Plant, Inverted C, Leg Swing). Your hand should eventually go behind your head and out of sight andif you try to watch it, you will naturally rock back (your feet and body follow the direction of your head). Good job at realizing that looking at the bar is a problem, but throwing your head back is counter productive. It will kill your momentum,rock back and put your shoulders in an awkward position to where you cant get a good invert. Just try and do a back flip by throwing your head back as soon as you jump. You'll probably land right on your back where your feet used to be, and that is definitely not what we want to do in pole vault. ;)

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Re: help my form pleaseeeee

Postby yung_vaulter » Fri May 17, 2013 2:34 pm

Thanks I'll post more videos soon

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