Bracing at takeoff

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Bracing at takeoff

Postby ArcherPV98 » Sat Sep 24, 2016 8:37 am

Fall practice has recently began and my coach wants us to focus right now on bracing and staying behind the pole. Can anyone tell me how my jumps look and if I'm staying behind the pole (not sure what that really means). Also I'm not sure what to do with my arms after takeoff. I know their not full jumps yet but can someone also let me know if my arms are active or not after takeoff. I'm 5-7 140 jumping on a 12-9 150 carbon altius running with heals from 40ft holding at 11-8
It's not how high you hold, it's how high you jump!

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Re: Bracing at takeoff

Postby monteo » Wed Oct 12, 2016 8:54 am

There is a fine line between bracing and blocking. Many will argue this is not a good, but I'll not get into that. Either way, instead of leading with your chest, in your effort to brace you are hunching your shoulders forward, and that is counter productive for a swing, and a bad habit to develop. That said, this drill can be useful to develope balance on the pole in the air after takeoff. I think you should go to a much heavier pole so that you can straight pole on this drill. Staying behind the pole means exactly that, not letting your body pass the pole after takeoff. After you can stay behind a straight pole, go back to one that bends.

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Re: Bracing at takeoff

Postby homan2822 » Wed Oct 12, 2016 1:03 pm

work on loosening the shoulders up. hang on a pull up bar relax your body and let somebody push your chest through your shoulders. don't go till it hurts and injure yourself but get the elastic feeling of your chest coming through your shoulders, then bring that movement into any high bar swings you do. get a little swing for momentum let the chest come through feel the elastic stretch in the shoulders then row the arms through and swing up. start getting that feeling then bring it into straight pole drills then eventually full vaulting with that big chest and elastic shoulders will change your life!

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Re: Bracing at takeoff

Postby grandevaulter » Mon Oct 24, 2016 10:19 pm

There is a video out there with Petrov and Isenbayeva doing the sand pit drill "correctly". I say correctly because I think that Petrov's drills and training are the standard. As Monteo says, staying behind the pole means staying behind the pole. We work in the sand pit on accelerating into the takeoff and elevating. Then hit the key positions and stay behind the pole. Acceleration and elevation must be done correctly first then leg positions. Follow this drill up with plenty of long swings.

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