Mid mark

This is a forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to intermediate level pole vaulting.
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Mid mark

Unread postby Jungm1420 » Sat May 26, 2012 12:46 pm

Ok so after reading another thread about the mid mark chart i have a question. Djs mid mark chart goes off of your 6 step or 3 lefts. So the chart for my grip height of 13'5 says my mid should be at 45' but where mine is now which the coach that helps me with set is 43'6". Is mine going to be closer than the chart because i am shorter (5'4") so my strides are shorter than normal? Also will my take off marks still be the same with me being shorter? My take off according to the chart should be 10'8". Will it be further out bc i am short?

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Re: Mid mark

Unread postby dj » Sun May 27, 2012 11:01 am

good morning,

your takeoff will be "out" slightly from the chart "average"... because you are shorter...

and the TO on the chart is an average… so based on reach your "vertical to grip" point would be out from the chart a little….

43-6 is an indicator of the speed you are running for the last six… if you are not chopping, stretching, taking off under or "stalling out" a … 43-6 to a 13-5 grip is not an issue…


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Re: Mid mark

Unread postby Jungm1420 » Sun May 27, 2012 3:40 pm

Alright thanks! Thats what i figured because my takeoff for the 13'5 grip should be 11' i think.

So if my takeoff is still under at takeoff by about 6" and it does not look like i am striding out then i should go ahead and move my mid mark out that 6"? My mid was 41'6" when my grip was 12'10 and my coach moved it back to 43'6". So as i run faster my mid will need to move out? And as my takeoff moves out my mid will also go back?

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Re: Mid mark

Unread postby dj » Sun May 27, 2012 7:04 pm


as you run faster the run should move out proportionately... one foot/12" of run eguals approximately 10cm/4" of grip…..

that is the basis of the chart and checking the /six step "MID"… for consistency and as a progression.

The most important "built in" factor is to attempt to keep the vaulter from stretching.

If you are not "stretching " under you more than likely need to move out…. First I would do my Approach run on the track.. with a 44 "MID" with 6 steps of 1.70m, cone at each of the last 6 steps and then set up a lane with 6 steps 1.75m apart/45 "MID" …

Run these until you have the rhythm, speed and feel with a impulse/jump takeoff…

Then move it to the runway….


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Re: Mid mark

Unread postby Jungm1420 » Sun May 27, 2012 9:42 pm

Alright. Ill have to find an actual track to use because ours is asphault. But that makes sense to just find your stride length without the box to make you stride out.

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Re: Mid mark

Unread postby dj » Sun May 27, 2012 10:09 pm


do them in flats on your track....

make sure you use the cones and mark them with chalk..

the idea is to have higer frequency sides of the same lenght.....


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Re: Mid mark

Unread postby Jungm1420 » Mon May 28, 2012 1:43 pm

Alright thanks. And by higher frequency u mean consistant strides so that they are all the same length therefore no stretching out at the end of the run?

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Re: Mid mark

Unread postby dj » Mon May 28, 2012 4:35 pm


the last six....

push and accelerate out of the back(start) by the time you reach the six (6) stride "MID" you should be in good "posture' with the pole dropping, feet "underneath" the COM with a high plant and an aggressive "impulse" at the Takeoff...


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Re: Mid mark

Unread postby Jungm1420 » Wed May 30, 2012 8:45 pm

What is COM?

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Re: Mid mark

Unread postby powerplant42 » Wed May 30, 2012 10:11 pm

Center of Mass.

When you're carrying a pole it's slightly in front of where it normally is (so running is slightly different).
"I run and jump, and then it's arrrrrgh!" -Bubka

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Re: Mid mark

Unread postby dj » Thu May 31, 2012 7:07 am

The correct pole carry and drop (correct grip width, right (top) grip near and slightly back of the Ilium point-left (bottom grip) 8-10 inches from the center of the chest, left wrist under the pole-elbow slightly down-pole tip 70ish degrees) is "designed" to keep the Center of Mass aligned as closely as possible with correct running posture (no stretch) so the vaulter has the ability to maximize the acceleration into the plant/takeoff and complete a high early plant.

And in short-each part is affected by the phase just prior to it, going back to the start- correct grip- correct carry-the correct starting point and correct check points…

Carrying a pole does effect the COM balance point BUTT the more you can "lesson" the effect of the "balance" point the greater your chance of success. The down side of having to carry a pole is if you get "out of balance" (pole swing back and forth-holding the pole to far in front of the body-or to far in back or stretching etc) it is very, very, very difficult to correct "on the fly". This results in giving up speed, forces you to plant late-forces you to plant under – takes away your "pole speed" not allowing you to swing to vertical…etc

I have focused my coaching for 40 plus years on the approach run and pole carry first. The rest after that is correct pole and grip and swing of the top.


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