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Double Pole Vault

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 12:09 am
by rainbowgirl28
This is somewhat terrifying...

Re: Double Pole Vault

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 1:00 am
by KirkB
Someone has a good imagination! :yes:

The only thing that I can figure out is that the artist is either (a) a Film School student that used his/her imagination and creative arts skills along with their knowledge of PV to compose this vid, or (b) some sort of a physics engineer that's trying to prove out a theory on the Laws of Physics might apply to an event like PV - but a "LITTLE" more complex.

Really, it's more of a spin-off on how LJ evolved into the TJ event ... but it's more of a nightmare dream than a pipe dream on how PV might evolve! :crying:

One thing that I know for sure ... the artist is NOT trying to impress anyone with his/her knowledge of POLE VAULT SAFETY! :no:

I would suggest to the artist only one additional feature ... fill the middle hole with water, and let the athlete dip his toes in the water (something like a bungee jumper might do over a river) before he shoots up and over the second bar. At least that way, if the double-vaulter's first attempt at re-grabbing the pole fails ... and he/she's not impaled ... they''ll get a chance at another attempt! :idea:
