Planting under?

This is a forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to intermediate level pole vaulting.
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Planting under?

Unread postby JamesPM3 » Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:49 pm

Hi, I have recently had a problem planting under where i should be, although i am still vaulting 11-6, 12 feet i want to make my vaults bigger and to make them quality jumps. I should be taking off at the 11.5 feet mark with a 14 foot 155lb pole and i am taking off around 9 feet...l.any suggestions on how to perfect my plants?

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Re: Planting under?

Unread postby vquestpvc » Tue May 01, 2012 7:55 am

Let me preface this by first writing the pole vault can be dangerous for multiple reasons: there of course is the height thing; not knowing what one is doing; trying to do the wrong thing first........inverting; and of course the infamous "being under" which most definitely can put one painfully on his or her back. Having stated that, the request here on PVP demonstrates how simple the vault can really be when the correct skills are developed first with a learning progression that allows a vaulter to improve. Ok, actually vault higher.

so James, your question regarding "being under" is an endless one which probably appears more often than any other. Oh, except possibly "how do I get inverted"?

To your concern James: a 2.5 feet under makes one believe there are multiple concerns most of all an inconsistent approach. My suggestion would be to get away from the PV runway, on the track instead, and practice your approach over and over. Also, use a mid mark (6 steps out from take off.............ok, the third most written thing on PVP).

Secondly, be sure your hands are high at take off; even when working on your approach on the track.

Lastly, if there is any way you could get on a shorter pole, this would help enormously. A 13' would be great.

Good luck to you james

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Re: Planting under?

Unread postby dj » Tue May 01, 2012 10:38 am

good morning,

planting under is a product of the run... the correct distance from 6 steps to the takeoff is the key to eliminating "UNDER".. print the chart and check where you are at the six step from TO.. compare that to the chart "MID" for your grip and jump height.

if you are "OUT" by those numbers there is a very good probability you "stretching" and can't get the foot "under" your body mass over the last 2/3 steps.. creating "under", late, big pole bend before the takeoff (none free) etc...

what is "counter intuitive" but true 99% of the time is: one .. If you are "under" on a vault you should move your steps FORWARD to hit on the correct six step "MID" so you can "get the feet down" quickly and out at takeoff.

Two: The other "solution" is to "push" (slight lean forward) harder out of the back/start of the approach which allows you to have the same speed but a slightly longer stride getting you to the correct "MID" with go speed and posture, allowing for 6 increased frequency steps and a "OUT", "impulse", jumped takeoff.


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