Pole vault weight, strength, and speed training

A forum to discuss overall training techniques, nutrition, injuries, etc. Discussion of actual pole vault technique should go in the Technique forum.
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Pole vault weight, strength, and speed training

Unread postby tdutton1711 » Mon Jun 18, 2012 1:00 pm

I am going to be a senior in highschool and started pole vaulting last season. i fell in love with the sport and want to continue and get to 14' next year. 2 weeks before regionals i hyperextended my knee and turns out i partially tore my acl. i am off crutches now and the knee feels great. i am not quite ready to actually vault yet again so i figured i would do strength and speed straining. i have about 4 weeks until i can start vaulting again since our pits are not out. so i was wondering if any of you had a workout schedule that didnt involve actual pole vaulting? i would have access to a gym and to a track. maybe workouts i could do in the gym? any help would be great!

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Re: Pole vault weight, strength, and speed training

Unread postby botakatobi » Mon Jun 18, 2012 1:06 pm

Rehabilitation from any injury is very important. Have you asked your physical therapist and physician what exercises are appropriate?

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Re: Pole vault weight, strength, and speed training

Unread postby tdutton1711 » Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:44 pm

he has not said. he told me no running for 3 weeks and that was up last week so im ready to get back into vaulting and strengthening my leg back up. i had been doing leg raises and calf raises to work those muscles but now it feels great.

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Re: Pole vault weight, strength, and speed training

Unread postby JamesMunsey » Wed Jan 23, 2013 1:12 pm

I would start slow, take an easy jog for a mile or two and see how you feel. If it feels good then slowly bring yourself from a two mile run to a mile run and bleacher miles to some 300 200 100 100 200 300 workouts and reps of 200s and such. But you just have to listen to your body. It would be better to take more time off now then to take time off permanently later. I hope that helps and is good advice.

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